All of CFM’s projects are designed and developed in an inclusive and participatory manner, with special attention paid to aspects such as stakeholder engagement, distribution of socio-economic opportunities through local content policies and recruitment, and the design and delivery of local community development programmes which are implemented by every investee.
Such programmes are designed to deliver long-lasting impact. Core areas of focus are linked to selected UN SDGs. Every project and programme is underpinned by the ethos of leaving no-one behind, in other words, of a just transition.
The stories showcased in this section of the report demonstrate some of the impacts and individual benefits of our projects in their host communities. Wherever possible, the material for these stories has been collected directly through interviews and personal engagement.
To protect the identities of the people reached by our projects, their names have been changed.
Building Futures: Education Facilities for Bukatube Seed School
A Revival of Resources and Livelihood in Janenahalli Village, India
Creating a healthy learning environment in Rural Vietnam
Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in the Mekong Delta
From Thirst to Prosperity: Musa's Story of Change and Community Impact with the Windfarm Project
Building Toilets to Close the Gender Education Gap
Empowering Rural Youth in South Africa with Renewable Energy Skills and Entrepreneurship
Empowering Villages with Sustainable Solutions
Nurturing the Next Generation of Renewable Energy Talent
Beyond Scholarships: How A Holistic Approach to Education Sponsorship is Shaping the Future for Girls Like Mary
Modern Farming Initiatives and Livelihood Restoration: A Case Study on Samuel's Journey to Financial Independence
Exploring the Unexpected Benefits of the Tra Vinh Wind Farm
Providing Solar Lighting on Roads in the Mekong Delta
Enhancing Community Spaces: How TWPC Wind Farm Supports Education in Tra Vinh Province
Livelihood Skills for Success
How the Ampyr Community Programme Helped Rajesh Solve the Problems on his Farm
Improving the Lives of School Children in Ramajogihalli Village
How the Wind Farms are Delivering Water to Local Communities
Linking Clean Power and Gender Equality to Enhance Livelihoods
Building Futures: Education Facilities for Bukatube Seed School
A Revival of Resources and Livelihood in Janenahalli Village, India
Creating a healthy learning environment in Rural Vietnam
Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in the Mekong Delta
From Thirst to Prosperity: Musa's Story of Change and Community Impact with the Windfarm Project
Building Toilets to Close the Gender Education Gap
Empowering Rural Youth in South Africa with Renewable Energy Skills and Entrepreneurship
Empowering Villages with Sustainable Solutions
Nurturing the Next Generation of Renewable Energy Talent
Beyond Scholarships: How A Holistic Approach to Education Sponsorship is Shaping the Future for Girls Like Mary
Modern Farming Initiatives and Livelihood Restoration: A Case Study on Samuel's Journey to Financial Independence
Exploring the Unexpected Benefits of the Tra Vinh Wind Farm
Providing Solar Lighting on Roads in the Mekong Delta
Enhancing Community Spaces: How TWPC Wind Farm Supports Education in Tra Vinh Province
Livelihood Skills for Success
How the Ampyr Community Programme Helped Rajesh Solve the Problems on his Farm
Improving the Lives of School Children in Ramajogihalli Village
How the Wind Farms are Delivering Water to Local Communities
Linking Clean Power and Gender Equality to Enhance Livelihoods